Burning Question #48: Almost there… sort of… and Vampires

Fortunately is isn’t that cold at my house. Right now it is in the high 50’s (F) and pouring gallons of rain.

That said, today is Saturday and time for Burning Question #48. Yes, I’ve been doing this for 48 weeks and almost forgot about it this week. Sorry folks, I drew a blank today.

As my cat would say, “I got nuttin.”

Only two more to go before we get to 50. Feel free to have a nice discussion or leave comments, or questions after you’ve answered the poll. I’m curing up in a chair and going back to sleep.

And hey, thanks for dropping by to answer another BURNING QUESTION. Vampires. This is sort of a Vampire kind of blog so let’s think about it again. Or you can think about something else. Just answer the poll and leave a comment.

Burning Question #48: You see a Vampire…?


I’ll see you next Saturday for Burning Question #49. It will be a real BURNING QUESTION.

 ~ Juliette aka Vampire Maman


  1. Ask it a Burning Question is the obvious answer, because one out of two things will happen. 1) The vampire will get stumped and get distracted trying to decide on an answer and you’ll be able to slip away without getting bitten. 2) The vampire will not get stumped and the two of you will get into a long and interesting conversation about it and you still wont’ get bitten.

    On a side note, your “This site is read by vampires” banner made me smile. It made me imagine the vampires in my story clustered around one computer and reading your posts. Ambrose, of course, would not be allowed to touch the computer because he would surely find a way to kill it. And, for some reason, it would be Raven’s computer (even though he is the most old-fashioned one of the whole group). I think Raven would sympathize with Vlad’s modern day struggles. 😀

  2. Oh – of course, I’m going to engage the vampire in a conversation… after all, I don’t meet them that often – and I’m notoriously curious. Let’s say, I hope that doesn’t make me a snack.

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