Friday Political Thought

Do you ever want to just go out and do a primal scream but know your neighbors will call the police? Fuck.

Both of my kittens slipped out of the house and are outside. Sterling is a year old, but Dash is only 4 months old. I thought I saw one of them slipping out under the fence but it was a small skunk. Now I can see them on my deck but I can’t catch them. Yes, despite my powers of persuasion and the ability to convince people and dogs to do things, I can’t do shit with cats. Nobody can. They’re cats.

Why we love those little shits so much I don’t know.

Tonight I was on the edge of tears about Oscar, who took my heart and died this Winter. I wasn’t allowed to mourn the cat who had captured my heart and soul. He is still always with me and I know he understands. When he was four months old he was either stuck in an oak tree (about 40-60 feet up) or on my neighbors roof. I wasn’t happy about that either.

So what does this have to do with political thoughts? Everything. I’m just tired of all of the shit. Not just the cats, but a lot of things.

I refused to watch the debate tonight, because I refuse either one of the choices we have been given. We need to DEMAND new choices NOW before it is too late. None of the options are acceptable. My cats would be better choices and they’re total noodle heads (actually they’re pretty smart but I’m not too happy with them right now.)

Some good things today did manage to outweigh the crap, but I’m still going to deal with the crap now, and maybe even make you laugh or cry, or get angry enough to contact your local politicians who no doubt have their heads up their own asses so far they’ll never see the sunlight again, or they’re on their knees in front of their party leaders while wearing a blind fold. Hear no, see no, speak no evil all the while supporting evil, stupidity, and ignorance. All the while forgetting the small things, and the every day things that are so important. It isn’t just the fact that two old unqualified stupid shit heads seem to be the only choice our asshole political parties have given up. It is culture in general that is fucking us up. It is telling our young people to hate their parents, it is stupid childless people who hate young people, it is asshole young parents who think their brats are the center of the universe, it is people who insist that they aren’t drinking the Kool Aid, it is people who are destroying institutions that we love, it is every kind of political thinking, and by that I mean museums, and governments, and everywhere good people are doing wonderful things and not appreciated or listened to. I bet you work someplace like that, but if you’re self employed the government will do EVERYTHING in their power to fuck you over because they want you to fail. And expect for at least 34,567 agents to turn down your book if you want to publish the traditional way. It also doesn’t matter how good your book it. My cats are playing on my deck at midnight and I can’t catch them, and I am about to scream.

I don’t want to lose my cats. I’ve already lost, and I am going to lose more than I can handle. Yeah, the two assholes in the photo below.

So what does that have to do with political thoughts on Friday? A lot.

When Obama ran for office the first time, before I started this blog, everyone on Facebook was posting horrible, caustic, annoying, and stupid political shit. Then someone suggested that since we were on the Internet that we should only post stuff about cats. Brilliant idea. It was then that I decided to post a cute cat meme on Facebook every single Friday. I think I’ve missed only one Friday since then.

In order NOT to have a heart attack, or scream, or turn on the hose and spray the cats, or yell at someone I’m going to share some of my favorite Friday Political Thought Memes here with you tonight.

Well shit, both cats just ran inside and as soon as they saw me they ran out and I couldn’t catch them.

Here are the memes. Have fun. Fuck politics and everyone involved. If they ever listened to the people they claim to represent.

Oh joy, after three hours, the cats just came inside. I know this might not be a big deal but when it is dark my yard fills with skunks, raccoons, bobcats, coyotes, and who knows what else. Yeah, and my brother Max thinks he has it bad with all of the demons who live in his house. Even a ghost didn’t come out to help tonight. No wonder Max only has dogs right now.

The cats are now eating their crunchy cat food. I feel like I’m going to cry.

OK I’m done. Here we go. Friday Political Thoughts.

~ Juliette aka Vampire Maman

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