Stolen Memories and Stolen Babies…among other things

The full brunt of triple digit summer heat has come early, as in today. I’m trying to work with two kittens on my keyboards changing all of my computer settings. I’ve also had a few adventures this week.

Yesterday I visited Eleora who is ancient and not doing well. Each time gets harder and harder. More on that later. I’m at a loss and trying to maintain. We shared memories yesterday with each other, but unfortunately Eleora was not one of the ones who shared. Like I’ve said before, the file cabinets in her brain are rusting shut and no about of scrubbing or WD-40 will get them open.

On Monday I was working on a writing project. It was a beautiful day and the screen door was open. I heard a bird. It was loud and I wasn’t quite sure what it was. When I turned around I discovered that my kitten (a year old) Sterling had brought me a baby turkey. The poor little chick was unharmed but frightened. I couldn’t find a trace of the mother. Since it was a wild turkey I put it in a box and drove it across town to the wildlife rescue center. Yes, I did spend three hours driving a turkey chick to safety. You do what you have to do.

I feel like I’m in The Tale of Two Cities. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The only difference is that I’m not in the middle of a revolution right now, but I never know what tomorrow will bring.

~ Juliette aka Vampire Maman

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