Morning Musings on a Vampire/Parenting Blog

I know, I know, I know…

I know what I haven’t been doing, including this blog. I’ll start posting “Girl in the Woods” the serial novel on Fridays soon. Everything else too.

This has been a weird year. I think of change and the way things slowly change, and don’t change, and then I don’t think about it.

Great great great great Grandmama Lola has been staying with me for the past few days. Even for a   653 year old Vampire she looks fantastic, like any other attractive 26 year old. Anyway, my brother Val showed up dressed in black slacks and a black shirt and black tie. He said he was going to a memorial service at a local restaurant. Lola, upon seeing his somber mood borrowed a dress and shoes from my closet so he wouldn’t have to go alone. He is going to support the family. She is going to support her family.

The scars on her legs from when she was trapped by Vampire Hunters several years ago are almost gone. She now moves freely, but with a wary eye. It is the unseen injuries that hurt the most, and take the longest to heal.

I made coffee for everyone and pondered the week. Schools is going well for the one in high school. The one in college is going back to school after the Labor Day Weekend. We’re spending the weekend together as a family.

I know, this is starting to sound like one of those letters from your Aunt Bess which details all of the tiny details of life, like what kind of pie she baked, and how many socks were lost in the dryer.

Fall is here, and the mornings are cool. I went outside as a large flock of crows (a murder of crows) swarmed over my house. There must have been fifty of them. The bald eagle nesting nearby will no doubt see them as either a minor annoyance or as breakfast. My pup turned her head to the left, then to the right, with her large ears up.

I could see the Ghost standing by the fence. I called out and asked if he wanted coffee. I just stared at me for a second then vanished. Sometimes if you offer a ghost coffee he’ll sit with a cup and just take in the aroma.

My children are insanely happy and doing well. They are inquisitive and excited about school and their futures. As a parenting blogger I am finding myself with not much to say, except to pat myself on the back. These things don’t happen by accident.

So what makes for happy young adults?

  • Talk with your kids.
  • Spend time with them every single night. Even Vampires spend time together around the table every night.
  • Show them the big picture – as in the entire world. Their universe should extend beyond home and family. It should extend beyond their own school.
  • Allow them to have their own opinions.
  • Allow them to have their own interests (which are not always yours)
  • Defend them.
  • Laugh with them.
  • Be there for them. The best way to show them that they are loved, and important to you, is to show you that you are there for them.
  • Share the small moments.
  • Be strong for them.
  • Be calm for them.

On the other hand some people are just brooding messes. Believe me, I know, I’m a Vampire, but even brooding messes can have an occasional good day, or a spark of humor in them. At least we can hope.

With the cooler mornings comes fall, which means October will be here soon, and you know what that means. HALLOWEEN. It also means a lot of activity HERE.

Have a good Friday everyone.

Thanks for dropping by. Wishing you fresh blood, fresh ideas, and fresh air.

~ Juliette aka Vampire Maman





  1. Letters from “Aunt Bess” were always (and still are) welcome. Boring maybe, but always filled with love between the lines….., Happy Weekend, J !!! 🙂

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